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I'm currently on a bit of a world tour to learn about other cultures and ecosystems... Feel free to leave a comment or recommendation or say hello

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Poland - 1 Auschwitz

I wanted to visit Poland as that is where one set of grandparents come from, and to see a concentration camp. What I didnt think is that I would love the country so much, and hopefully there will be time to return another day.

I arrived late at night and began myfriest couch surfing experience, staying with a couple, sleeping ontheir floor... They were super kind and helped me planand replan several trips.

The next morning I headed to Auschwitz and saw some of the worst things man is capable of doing.

work makes you free.... hmmmm.....

This was an assassination wall
This was where they sent the prisoners for extra punishment... horrible things happened inside

The end of the line...the train comes in full at Birkenau and leaves empty... People thought they were going for showers...
They were going to die. You can now walk right into a gas chamber. You can see empty canisters of gas. It is still impossible to imagine how the people felt inside. I tried to picture people I know going in to die. The people were you, me, your cousin, the man who sold you breakfast yesterday, the child in the green sweater. We went to summer camp. They went to death camp.

1 million Jews were killed here. Over 1 million people died on one small square of land.

The Israeli national anthem had always been just a song to me that I had to sing in school, and I am not a huge fan of Israel, but there was a group of Israeli students at Birkenau and hearing them sing Hatikva did move me alot. It showed that the final solution was not as final as it was planned to be. This made for a bit of positive emotion at the end of my journey.