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I'm currently on a bit of a world tour to learn about other cultures and ecosystems... Feel free to leave a comment or recommendation or say hello

Monday, April 7, 2008

Hail to 'el Presidente' (San Cristobal-continued)


I am having trouble and running out of time trying to get these pics uploaded. I put them up with comments at the following link. See if you can count the teeth in the open Jaws!!!


I'm now at a new hostel, Posada 5. It is just another door onthe road but opens up to a big lawn and a view of the city! It has a great kitchen and is quite comfortable. There of lots of folks practicing yoga here which is helping to encourage me.

While here I visited 2 surrounding towns and one canyon. A friend and I were going to go visit a mayan village with a guide, spend a night and explore the forest. Well after getting up at seven and waiting for the guide till ten, we realized it was time to do something else! We got into a collectivo and headed to Zinacantan, not knowing what to expect. Once there it didnt seem like therew was much to do so we walked. We followed a road that turned into a dirt road and headed up into the mountians. From there we took a trail and kept walking along.... After a while we were near a high point and we came to a cemetary! It was decorated with lots of flowers and colorful graves. (This can only be understood when I can get a picture uploaded!) It was a beautiful spot and had a great view. From there we kept following trails heading in the direction of town and headed back to San Cristobal and the new Hostel.

The very next day I headed to see a canyon (Sumidero canyon) with km high walls. It was another ride in a collectivo, this time squished into the backseat with one person too many! It was a very scenic ride through the mountains. When I got off I happend down the right road to where the boats were and hopped into one (after paying). The canyon was stunning in every way! The walls got bigger and bigger as we were pushed along by the power of 150 horses churning the water. There are many birds around, and also monkeys! The highlight as far as animals went were three crocodiles! They are huge. There are all kinds of plants growing right on the canyon walls, even a bunch of cacti! Part of the vegetation was on fire and the guide explained that someone ontop must have thrown down something that was burning. The smoke lit other partsof the wall on fire. But the vegetation was not too dense and it is unlikely that too much was destroyed. (On the way back I was in the front of a packed collectivo and got to enjoy the scenery)

The next day I went with a friend to San Juan Chamula where there is a church with some interesting rituals. I did not get to speak to any practitioners but I willconvey what I heard about it. Here it is believed that carbonated beverages which incure burping help you to heal and cleanse so Coke and pepsi is part of any ritual. Also something about chickens but I dont hvae enough detail. When we arrived at the town the mainstreet was barricaded and we had no idea why. We started walking down towards the church and stillonthe sideofthe street we asked what it was all about. The man said the president of Mexico...el Presidente himself senior Felipe Calderón was about to pass by. He came in a motorcade waving a little. We wondered why there was alostno one in the steet but it turned out people were all gathere in the town square for his speech. We headed there and heard him talk. From what I was able to gather along with some translations from a friend he was promising schools and hospitals to indigenous people in the area.
I am currently in the state of Chiapas where the Zapatistas are. In a quick summary they are trying to get more rights for the indigenous folks, or that they get the rights already promised. Up until a few years ago they were also a military power and took control of a city or two. They are also respected by many people and all over the markets there are people selling dollsof people in ski masks as well as postacrds which pictures of the zapatistas. Now things are calmer but they still reject the government form what I understand.
So it was a big deal for the President to come to a town right in the center of this area. There were people from manay different viallges or regions which was evident by all the distinct types of dress. There were so many beautiful colors and patterns on many men and woman! The president and his speech was met with polite applause but no cheering. It was neat to see.

We finally went to the church and it was an interestingplace to say the least. But I will say a little more. The stone floor was covered with straw and people came on their own or with a family, crossed themselves and then knealed onthefloor and lit candles. Thjey stayed and prayed by the candles until they burned down. There was a man who came along after to scrape the wax form the floor. You werent allowed to take pictures in the church, I'm guessing because it was not a museum, people are coming to pray.

Now I'm back on my own again, and will probably head to another city near some lagoons tomorrow or the day after. Then most probably Guatemala!

No time for spell check as Im going to learn how to make Aloo Gobi!! Curried cauliflower and potato! mmmmmmm..........

1 comment:

Jessica said...

The canyon sounds interesting. I look forward to seeing your pictures.
love you