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I'm currently on a bit of a world tour to learn about other cultures and ecosystems... Feel free to leave a comment or recommendation or say hello

Thursday, April 3, 2008

San Cristobal de las Casas

San Cristobal is a fascinating city. It is a land of narrow sidewalks, hidden street lights, small restaurant fronts that open into huge courtyards and children always trying to sell you bracelets! There are many churches and hostels and hotels and restaurants and even some veggie/vegan places and one Israeli falafel stand. (Its a restaurant, but if it's falafel it feels like it's a stand) and all this is wrapped in green mountains!

It is very hard to walk on the sidewalks as there is just enough room for one person with a big bag. Passing people is near impossible, and the sidewalks are also really slippery! It is cooler here and San Cristobal is at an elevation of about 7000 feet.

You can walk in several directions and get to some big stairs up a hill that usually lead to a church and great view!

There is a market every day with lots of handmade goods, from blankets to vests, and jewelery to stuffed animals. All of which is very beautiful but not worth carrying around for a few more months. This pic is a small part of the market It wraps around and into building, up stairs and down narrow passages. Squeezing through these you can find a booth with sleazier entertainmanet next to one selling bright colored baby clothes!

This church is beside the market and has lots of fine details in thew workmanship, click on the pic!

Yesterday was a particularly super day as it was a learning day. I have been wanting to watch Star Wars in Spanish to help pick up the language. I mentioned this to a friend at the hostel and another guy overheard and said he had them all.

And so it began.

8 hours and 3 movies later we all knew some more spanish and were flowing in the force.

One day a friend and I took a walk in an ecological reserve. There were many oaks, very different then at home and other weird trees. There was even some bamboo or very bamboo like plant (in pic)

One church looks like the disney castle, but I couldnt find tinkerbell. And each church is decorated differtently, some quite elaborately.

Town squares are abundant here, it seems like there is live music at at least one each night! Below is a picture of a market, and the other day a friend made a joke about how nice it would be to be able to plug into a tree and tap some of its power. In San Cristobal this seems possible!

Here I am today after a refreshing shave and haircut.


Jessica said...

Looking good Mike!
Very handsome
Mucho gusto

Unknown said...

Hey Mike!

Great to see you in San Cristobal. Did you know we were there last summer? I recognize all those spots, so you're literally walking in our footsteps. There's some kind of funny museum you can walk to south of the city. Cross the bridge over the river of filth that's past the market and keep going. Poverty will seem like a big problem again all of a sudden. The "museum" has some exibits with life-size dolls doing traditional activities and there's a video that was kind of gross if I remember correctly. Also you can buy some herbs and medicines which you can use for your hippy voodoo tricks. But the town is very pretty isn't it? There's an article about it and the Zapatistas in this month's Harper's. Go to harper's.org if you're interested. Got into lawschool for the fall. Pretty big I guess. Planning on crossing the border soon? I left something in a drawer in a hotel room in HueHue before heading into Mexico and maybe its still there... no, you're right, it's probably not. Buena suerte con tus estudias de la lengua. Que le vaya bien y hasta la proxima! Jon