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I'm currently on a bit of a world tour to learn about other cultures and ecosystems... Feel free to leave a comment or recommendation or say hello

Saturday, March 8, 2008

Playa Del Carmen

I moved to Hostel Playa, where for 135 pesos a night, roughly just under $13.50can you get a bed and a place to cook, ingest and expell food as well as a place to wash yourself. It is a bit of a party hostel and also has many areas with hammocks strung up and a quiet roof.

I Ran into Pat, a friend from montreal, and he helped me get accostomed to the customs of slightly more Mexicoed Mexico. Of course food came from walmart across the street...go figure, all the best food and freshest fruit was at walmart, and it seemed to be the only place I found with food, atleast it is localish.

The Hostel had a full kitchen with a blender so smoothies came along alot...mmmm.
Partook in scuba courses and now I have a whole new world to study....all kinds of interesting plants and animals. One fish swam on its side across the bottom like a stingray but you could tell his eye from the bottom was now on top and his/her mouth was in the position and carried the movement that it would have of a fish normally swiming on its side. It appears to be in the middle of evolving to fully live on its side as opposed to being vertical. It blends almost completly with the sea floor. And thats just the start...

I did the course with a new friend from Sweden, Jonas, who invited me out with his family one night and we went back to the restaurant in the cave.... I learned some new words I can´t remember and had a great time. In Swedish there is a word for swallowing slat water.... its a word i was able to use alot..when i remebered it!

Ofcourse if I see one of my sisters in mexico I will see the other the next week! Sam and Marvin came to stay for a week up the beach from playa... we got to play a few times....including dinner in a treehouse type restaurant and a cervesa in Alux....

The beach in playa is great although quite crowded. Lots of all kinds of people travelling there, and the nightlife is quite nuts....Even found some Psy-Trance....and bars have dancefloors on the beach!

building...the onThe best place for veggie food i found was a small veggieburger place ran by a woman and her daughter was often there. She made the burger form scratch, smiled as she cut your tomatoe, and made great smoothie/energy drinks. There is a sign oainted on thee in the picture and it is on 25th ave between 4th and 6th street. Its hugs and only 5 bucks...maybe a little pricy for a meal in other parts of mexico, but well worth it...the sign even says organic.

Next stop is Tulum.... Finally time to open up my tent!

1 comment:

Jessica said...

How do the smoothies compare to the one we had in a pineapple!

Did you go to that bar you wanted to in Playa?