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I'm currently on a bit of a world tour to learn about other cultures and ecosystems... Feel free to leave a comment or recommendation or say hello

Thursday, March 6, 2008


I must begin with the end of the last post and that is ofcourse talking about long johns. They are the secret to a happy winter anywhere in the north! They are the key to the out-doors in winter! Some people get depressed in winter being cooped up inside, but some solid under armor...I prefer smart wool myself (even though its not vegan), and winter is a blast!

Now for the first time I am skipping half of winter! But I did spent October to February working outdoors in the mountains so I think I´ve earned it.

California is quite an interesting place. I have noticed that taking Yeye (my car) over 110 km/h makes hime unhappy. And burns way more fuel. But in California, what I believe to be an eco concious state, it is impossible to go under 130km/h and feel safe. At 130 you can still be passed on either side simultaneously, but atleast the vehicles are not zooming by in a blur anymore! I flew across and then down through California, making it in one day from just east (to the right) of Reno down to Santa Monica to touch base with my cousin Geoff or Jeff, and his wife Susan. I was delighted to be their very first guest in their new home and was treated very well. You guys are welcome in my tent anytime! Getting there I drove on winding highways in the mountains, saw many people with ski racks going to and from Tahoe, drove on part of a highway owned by a synagogue, (one of the shoulders seemd to have the end cut off) and saw where lots of food that is shipped around the world is grown.

Shortly after entering the state there was a toll booth like stop to check what if any food you are bringing into California. This is a necessary and incredible stop. They moniter most major roads into the state to ensure no possible contaminants of the food supply come in. The importance of this is huge as they supply food to a whole lot of people!

Santamonica was beautiful and I also got to see my neww baby cousin Lindsay (sp?) Who came from Kimberly and Kevin, also living around LA. She was a darling although she didnt say much.
Here she is with her granparents....

An incredible drive to do around LA is the Topanga Canyon Road fromt he coast to the 101 or the other way....Absolutely gorgeaous, you begin in the city and suddenly you are in an isolatted area of beauty, still some houses, but deffinately a feeling of nature... Then coming out to the ocean!

Just as I was reaching the ocean a cop passed me, something that usually catches my eye (persistant feeling ofJewish guilt perhaps) and then I parked. Sure enough the po-po pulled up as I was getting out of my car and began to question me. He was wondering in a tone as welcoming as the buzz from a nest of hornets why I did not have a front license plate. I told him I didn´t need one and quickly elaborated that I come from a place called Canada (C-eh, N-eh, D-eh) where not all provinces required it. That seemes to satisfy him enough and I went on to be the only person on the beach to jump into the ocean without a wet suit. I was also the only person to jump out of the ocean as soon as he jumped in. But it was super refreshing. Water is bnever cold...only varrying degrees of refreshing!

From Santamonica I visited my grandfather´s sister who no one had seen in 20 years, and stayed with her for a few nights. Her name is Ruth and her husband is Morty. They are both sharp and with it, knowing much of what is going on in the world. I was very impressed with them. Morty golfs 3 times a week and is 90 years old. When I asked him his secret he said...Sex! I half hope he is joiking and 99% hope I can be as active as him at his age and beyond.

After an overnight hike in California where it hailed and snowed, I left Yeye in their garage in Palm Springs and hopped a plane to Cancun!


Jessica said...

Poor Yeye, I hope he is well.

Unknown said...

I can't believe he couldn't spell my name right, it's Jeff not Geoff. Leave it to Myke to mispel.