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I'm currently on a bit of a world tour to learn about other cultures and ecosystems... Feel free to leave a comment or recommendation or say hello

Monday, March 17, 2008


I just rolled into Palenque on the overnight bus and while I became quite frustrated with the ticket seller I must say it was the most comfortable bus seat I have ever been on and I was able to sleep through most of the night. It reclined into so many positions that the crying baby on her mothers lap next to me barely even bothered me.... The crazy snoring guy wasm ore of a challenge but after one roomate in Alberta, I think I can sleep through being fired out f a circus cannon!

The last time I posted I was waiting for an 8:15pm bus on Saturday, but I was so mad at the teller when he told me there were no buses during the day (which he previously said there were) that I didnt want to buy a ticket from him. My own stubborness finally allowed me to go back and buy a ticket and of course the bus was full by then.... Anyway that meant another night back on the beach and another failed attempt at leaving! But what a great night!

I finally got into the ocean while the stars were out, its fun and scary because you don't see the waves that are about to hit you! I also helped a friend learn to float that night, which was lots of fun and I have never seen anyone who can't swim be so comfortable getting water spalshed all over their face and up their nose etc....

Speaking of the ocean... after much time being scared I realized it is as easy to open your eyes in the ocean (underwater) as it is in a lake!

A good book I am enjoying now is 'The blind watchmaker' by Richard Dawkins, all about evolution, if that topic floats your boat or has been naturally selected to make you happy check it out!

Palenque is a city....seems quite large compared to Tulum, which was a one main street town. aHere there are mountains visibe to one side, maybe the size of the Laurentians, but I won't know until I am closer....or ontop.... People have chickens in their yards and there are many butchers with lovely carcasses hanging out front... If you want to see the link between a living animal and the meat you get on your plate (a great idea for anyone) this would be a perfect place to do it. Its like walking through a crazy biology experiment or inside out world :)

I am off to find where to go camping and to find some hiking trails...

1 comment:

Jessica said...

Oy the bus! It reminds me when you went to rent the scuba gear, and you had to go back to the room 5 times!

Im proud of you for conquering your eye opening ocean fear! Good for you.