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I'm currently on a bit of a world tour to learn about other cultures and ecosystems... Feel free to leave a comment or recommendation or say hello

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Some sights in Rishikesh

Jeep stand in Rishikesh... a cross between a tax and a bus
Skyping with some nursery students in Montreal...Now they know a little about India and I know a little about them...young kids are full of love!
These monkyes were cute this day and the next day attacked me for my bananas!  I had to throw 2 at them to keep them away...it was kind of scary as they were charging me.
The bridge... if your not dodging cows you are dodging motorcycles...  Have you ever been in a cow/motorcycle traffic jam on a bridge? I have!
Those Jews sure do wonder...
Anything wrong with this picture?  At least the EEnglish ees spellled praughporlee
Dinner party at my home...
Trip to a waterfall...we had a great time and on the way down ran into some people who told us the real one was another 300meters or so higher up...we thought we had arrived...
Cooking class
You can walk all around this temple going higher and higher ringing bells and visiting a plethora of deities...
Inside the temple...

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