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I'm currently on a bit of a world tour to learn about other cultures and ecosystems... Feel free to leave a comment or recommendation or say hello

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Bangkok yet again!

After not liking Bangkok so much the first time I was back.  I was also on a holy mission to get a tent.  On my way I passed a railroad crossing... The man with the flag waves down the carts and rolls the white barrier across the street....  And this is at a major thoroughfare...

I found my tent... and went to the weekend market with another Israli friend a a Canadian too.

The Sith are the lords of the dark side of the force.  If you didnt knwo this please take a moment and watch Star Wars, Episodes 1-6.

In the same market in a corner I came across this!
After one visit to the empirail palace which I felt was a waste of time I decided to return with a small group of friends.  This time I enjoyed it much more...  maybe it was the weather...

So on the way to the palace we met a guy who said it was Sunday and the  palace is closed until afternoon.  I got upset with him and told my freinds we should just go... eventually we did, but I got some looks for being rude.  At the corner of the palace it happened again with a stranger walking up to us being helpful and telling us the palace was closed cause its Sunday.  I was mad again and we left.  Two minutes later we arrived at the palace to find it closed...Just kidding it was open!  These people tell you with a straight face that it is closed and eventually will try to sell you some other tour under the guise of being helpfull. So my rudeness was vindicated!  I don't usuallythink it is ever good to be rude but when someone is obviously lying to your face and trying to take advantage of you it is hard to be too friendly. 
The next place we went was Wat Arun. I had been wanting to go since my first visit to Bangkok but every time it was feasible to go it was too late in the day and it was closed.  Its an old wat and on the side of the river...I found it very beautilful.


Here is one example of some Bangkok archetecture...

We went to eat in a crazy foodcourt with aquariums in the center of the tables!

Freaky xmas deco!

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