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I'm currently on a bit of a world tour to learn about other cultures and ecosystems... Feel free to leave a comment or recommendation or say hello

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Germany and Austria

Passau is a small university town on the Austrian Border..there is some fun architecture...

Does anyone who knows Yiddish find this sign funny?
I always thought Yiddish was very similar to German but it is a lot les than I believed. I did knowsome words, table, window etc., and some of the grammar is the same but thats about it. German, at least in the south is a beautiful and soft language, not what I was expecting at all. Too many movies! One funny thing is they give you balnkets at outdoor cafes to keep warm!
I was staying with a friend who took me out to a 90's night! something I didnt know existed yet, and it was lots of fun... we went out somewhere everynight, made me miss university! One evening we went for a walk to Austria...
Here was a yummy treat!
Here is the inside of the Cathedral in Passau which houses the largest organ in Europe (in the back)

This is the tip of the town, where three rivers meet, one being the Danube. (Yes I kow you can only see two!)
Passau was lots of fun, I met lots of locals, (by locals I mean Germans as they came from all over the country) and it was great being able to talk to them all... All the people I met spoke better English than most English Quebecers speak French, and they dont have the language all around them. It was very impressive to see... But as I headed east that started to change :)

1 comment:

Jessica said...

Soon there will be 2000 parties!