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I'm currently on a bit of a world tour to learn about other cultures and ecosystems... Feel free to leave a comment or recommendation or say hello

Friday, October 23, 2009

5 Days In The Alps

My solo journey to the Alps got off to a rocky but lucky start. I packed for a 5 day trip... food in Switzerland for such an adventure carried a $71 price tag, and set off to a well recommended cabin. I hiked up a beautiful trail and less than an hour form the first cabin I met 2 German girls coming down saying that the cabin was locked! While it was sad to turn around had i kept going I would have reached the cabin just before dark and it would have been difficult to turn around! So goodluck and badluck all together.

I returned to Lausanne for a day and replanned a new trip. There is a hike called tours de Muverans which my gracious host Andrea recommended and I headed there. 2 of the cabins were under construction so I couldnt do the whole trip but what I did was awesome!

I set out in the rain, and as I gained altitude the temperature lost degrees. The snow was fun to be in and challenging too. The trails are marked by painted rocks which can be hard to dfind under 20 cms of snow.... it was even harder under 30! It was a fun trip to the cabin! I had no idea of the views around me and it was a surprisingly agreeable temperature for hiking... The contrast of sweating as you go up, and the sub zero temp left my body perfectly comfortable...

I arrived at the cabin in a white out and realized that the logs there were 3 times the size of the stove! Luckily I found an axe and without taking off my boots to rest I proceeded to hack at the wood. I figured it was better to do it in the light and it was a good idea as it was quite a cold evening. I sat huddled by the stove reading about the history of the planet. One day several billion years ago the earth cooled just enough that the water vapor in the air condensed just a fraction more than it had been and it rained for the very first time!

I woke up in the morning and opened the door and what a surprise! I had no idea what was around me and it was the exact moment the sun was rising above the far mountains. (somehow the next day woke up and went out at exatly the same moment too)

I had decided to stay and enjoy the view one more night and during the day I noticed this handy tool! No more need for the axe!
Here is the inside of the first floor of the caban. I call it a caban but it was more like a private castle...In peak season there are probably 60 people there and there is a guardian who cooks for you.... Most swiss hikes only require you to carry water and snacks for the trail, the rest is taken care of at the cabins, from bedding to food...you can even buy wine and beer and chocolate! A group of 11 people thought there would be this cook and they came empty handed and ended up turning around after warming up a bit.

The sun and clear night skies were with me the rest of the trip. The following day I packed up and headed to the next cabin. The trail was beautiful with a couple areas where you need chains or ropes to climb up. There was also a family of goats on the way down just calmly walking up sheer walls.

Here is the upstairs of the second cabin where I also spent 2 nights. The first night there was a school group there and it was fun to talk and play with them... they were 9-13, I am not sure this type of excursion would fly in North America, it would be 'unsafe'. They were also on a 5 day trip carrying food and everything,and I was quite impressed.

Here is my favourite litle buddy... Reminded me of a certain young Jedi!
I had a full day at this cabin and there was a trail heading up to a lookout, almost 360 degrees.... I was a little sketchy but well worth it.
Back at the cabin...
mmm mountains
Part of the trail heading down...The drop was almost straight for 1000 meters! but the trail is wide enough to not be scary...

After the hike it was back to Lausanne and then off to Germany. It was sad to leave as the Alps were great and my host equaled them in greatness! Thanks Andrea!!!

1 comment:

Jessica said...

you are crazy! what would you do if you got to the locked cabin in the dark? Call for the mimi rocket?
Please be careful on the hikes! and you promised me you would never sit on the ledge of a mountain again.