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I'm currently on a bit of a world tour to learn about other cultures and ecosystems... Feel free to leave a comment or recommendation or say hello

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Paris 2.0 Now in technicolor

So here is a bit of classical Paris...
Every church has a couple organs, this is one of the grander ones,

And here in Le Marais there was a lemonstand...

They were also selling palm leaves...

This is a Jewish sector where every restaurant boldly claims to have the worlds best falafel. The one I was told I must eat at, Las de Falafel deffinately did have the worlds best falafzl, atleast until i try the next one...
There is also a Jewish art and history museum that had some ancient torahs and prayer books so,e as old as 500 years with the same writing as the ones made today... Some cool Channukiahs and even a circumcision guillotine.... (not true)
As I was walking a stampede chased me away...

That was in the grande gallerie d evolution, having stuffed animals of all types, and fish and insects, and lots to learn...`
Back in the marais there are some mideival homes and alot of other super old things...

This is how I was getting around and inthe same day I was hit by a bus and pulled over by the cops for running a red light, bith ti,es I survived without a scratch... The bus had sideswiped me just a bit; and the cops didnt want to deal with me once I started talking in English... One cop just put his palm 2 centimeters from my face and then they drove off...

Chateau Versaille and the royal thrown;

The famous gardens... Not as super as i would have thought; its al very orderly, so while pretty not very high in energy or anything naturelike;

Here is breakfast at Lucies where I am staying..... There are croissants in the bag and a couple kinds of cheese too...

Thelast comment for the day is about fat french people! there almost arent any... everytime i see someone very overweight they are speaking English! Food for thought.
Om Shanti


Jessica said...

YOU GOT HIT BY A BUS!!!!!!!!!!! ARE YOU OK????

jonsol said...

mmm blueberry jam!