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I'm currently on a bit of a world tour to learn about other cultures and ecosystems... Feel free to leave a comment or recommendation or say hello

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

More life on the beach!

The Beach where I am staying is a 6 km walk from town. You parallel the shore heading south for 3 km, followed by a three km walk westward directly away from the water. The first bit is exactly a 28 minute walk. (I guess the second would be too) I know this as somehow it is excatly the length of time it takes me to listen to one spanish lesson on my mp3 player. As you may be able to see in the pic, the road parallelling the beaches...giving access to small hotels and cabanas and campgrounds, has people popping onto it and walking and riding bikes all over. I am walking up the road with my oldschool headphones saying things outloud like: Hello! Goodmorning! I dont understand! Do you speak English? I have pesos! I need dollars....etc! I feel really funny and hope no one is listening too closely when i say ¨I have dollars!¨

I had a friendly visitor in my tent last night, he had eight legs and was unfortunately not a Hindu god! He was a spider! and a big one! Big enough that i put some work gloves on before getting him out! (or her)... The truth is that I was clearly able to see that the spider was frightened to a much higher degree thatn I was, but that did not alleviate the fear that it would pounce and inject me with some kind of venom! I slowly poked it fromt he far corner around the tent adn tried to get it over the lip and out. The danger was if it didnt get over the lip it woudl fall near the pile i had pushed all my stuff into and then I could lose it! After a few hearty efforts I succeeded and got to ake its photo... there are in the tent and out of the tent pics.
See a sunrise in Tulum!


Jessica said...

Holy crap! Its huge! I wonder if he knows 'you know who?'

Im surprised that when you are walking down the street, practicing your spanish, you are not practicing our favorite word: mucho gusto!

mommy said...

I did not know that I could comment this way. That spider was kind of scary. Love all your descriptions and the photos. Hammock looks like fun. Hope it is lightweight.