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I'm currently on a bit of a world tour to learn about other cultures and ecosystems... Feel free to leave a comment or recommendation or say hello

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Can you believe who I found?

Ladies and Gentlemen...

What you are about to read may amaze you so take a seat if you are not already cushioned by your posterior...

People search for many things in life, such as for meaning, wealth, happiness, lost socks and much more... but these are nothing compared to the ultimate search.... This search is one that you have no doubt embarked on at least several times in your life.  You have perhaps done it alone, perhaps with friends or even with children and loved ones.  Maybe even with cousins Jon and Leah...  It is a search that took you across all landscapes and even a moon scape, all from the comfort of home... I took it a step further... not even on purpose...

What I found is not a what but a who....In India you might expect it to be a great sage, or a naked Baba or a relative of Ghandi, but no, this is much more incredible.  This person is harder to find than a needle in 3 haystacks, than a tuk tuk driver not trying to rip you off and even more difficult to locate than a button in a zipper factory.

Douglas Adams in "A hitchhikers guide to the galaxy" is searching for the ultimate question to the ultimate answer (which is 42), but I found THE ANSWER to an even more ultimate question!  

For years the entire world has been asking this question, some people succeed in finding an answer, but none have come as close as I....

Of course the ULTIMATE QUESTION is....


And the answer:


Arombol, Goa, India
Same same!

As you know Waldo is always wearing his outfit, and while at 40 degrees I was understanding about the hat, 
he did wear this outfit for all of the 15 days I was staying at this guest house restaurant....
So.... Mystery solved!
(Side note:  While he was in the same outfit every day don't let this make you think Indian people are not clean, they are the cleanest people I have ever met....which is incredible with the amount of dust often around, his clothes were probably washed often and put right back on as they dry in a matter of minutes...and one morning I did see him in blue shorts...but just for a few minutes)

1 comment:

Jessica said...

hahaha did you get his autograph?