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I'm currently on a bit of a world tour to learn about other cultures and ecosystems... Feel free to leave a comment or recommendation or say hello

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Weirdest Hockey Game ever!

Last night I attended the weirdest hockey game I have ever seen! Myself and 2 friends from Denmark whomI had met on the small island shared a cab to a hotel from the ferry in La Ceiba.... We noticed in the streets tons of people wearing Honduran flags and selling t-shits and other Honduran propoganda. I figured it must be a crazy hockey game! So after finding a hotel and having a great meal at a steakhouse (I didnt realize it was a steak house but the beans were top notch...I just oredered 3 side orders and had a tasty meal!) we headed towards the arena! There were many scalpers, just like in Montreal and after figuring out their game somewhat we went for the more expensive tickets which were in the section with seats...we were told it may be a little more dangerous in the other sections!
So in we went and the first thing I noticed was that the arena had no roof! in Honduras! How they thought they could keep ice cold in such a climate without a roof I had no idea! And to tell the truth they did a poor job!! The ice was so melted grass had grown right over it! And it was huge...bigger than an olympic rink! And not only that but the players who were warming up left their sticks on the bench and were practicing only by kicking some giant rounded puck! And their skates....so weird...instead of one long metal blade they had many spikes on the bottom! Almost as if they did not want to glide! I think it was the fans that gave it away for me and made me realize that I was at some sort of other sporting event than the one true sport! It was (and is) called football! (or soccer) And boy were the people into it!
Almost everyone had an air horn and no one was shy about using it! I guess it makes sense...for one thing, all over centeral america people cant stop using their car horns...beep! im turning...beeep! im braking...beep beep! Im saying hello...beep beep! im behind you...beep beep! im infont of you...so this must have been like heaven for them......30 minutes before the match started everyone was gong crazy...there was not an empy seat in the house...horns blew continuously and the wave went round and round and round! The players were still stretching!!! By the time the game started someone could have offered a million dollars on the nonexistant PA to anyone who came to the main entrance and not a person would have had enough hearing capacity left to make out the words!
Soccer, while not hokey, has some similarities...mainly in how players can pretend to be hurt and then when they see that the other team does not get a penalty they are miraculously cured! As a matter of fact the acting was so good, faking injuries may have been invented through soccer! And when ever this happened...and this is the honest truth (I can't prove it with a picture but can you blame me for not taking a camera to a soccer game in honduras) 4 men with a stretcher would run out onto the field for him....on its own this can seem normal as most of the injuries are to the legs but here is the kicker...they were dressed in light brown fatigues and wearing bright white hardhats!!!! They looked like a cross between WWI fighters and the overembelished cartoon graphics of a video game! But of course before they ever reached a player he would be walking around!
The section we were in had seats....we assumed they were assigned but alas only the section was, so when we arrived half an hour before the game there was not a seat to be seen! But we were at midfield and got to sit on cement steps...It turns out we had some of the best seats in the house! And surrounded by some right drunk people. I feel like talking more about the atmosphere...first of all our higher priced tickets meant that ontop of the giant fence between us and the field there was no barbed wire as there was ontop of the fences surounding the other sections! What this permitted was that in the event of a riot we could run down the isle, jump down into the place where journalist and other people were and climb a fence with no barbed wire and get onto the field the quickest and draw first blood...a coveted position in any soccer riot no doubt!! Every seat and step was filled and people must have been there for hours waiting! In our more prestigious section there was a limit of 98% for one's blood alcohol level, where in other section it could go as high as infinity! The absolute worst time to buy any beverage or food was right before one of the many waves went around.... this is because there is a law that anything in your hands be it full of bubbly or brewed liquid, french fries or bull testicles (yes they were selling them there just like cotton candy) or anything else had to be launched as high into the air as possible as soon as the wave came by! People we not shy about throwing full cups of beer as far as possible! I have never seen this before...Atleast at a Canadiens game people finish the molson before launching the empty cup...and even that is risky... here it is risky to hold onto your food or garbage!! Luckily we only received minor splatterings!
The fans were loud and the cheering was non ending! the energy level was incredible and puts all fans of all other sports to shame! When Honduras' champion, coincidently number 9, known as the Panther came into the game everyone went bonkers! And he was quite good too...from what I could gather about soccer anyways... Of course a coach almost punched a ref...fans booed the other team alot and eveyone left incredibly happy with a 3-1 win.... for the rest of the night car horns beeped honked and tooted out my hotel window and I now know what it is like to be a soccer fan!

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